Perennial Peanut Producers Association
The Perennial Peanut Producers Association
was formed to encourage the expansion of perennial
peanut production, marketing channels and
production technology. The principal goals are to
establish and maintain communications between
Association members for the purpose of sharing
technical and marketing information. Members of the
Association exchange planting material and
equipment, set quality standards for the crop, and
create greater marketing opportunities.
To keep abreast of the newest information, the
Association meets for field tours of member farms
and research trials. Agronomists and animal
scientists from the University of Florida regularly
share the research results of their work. The
Association also supports extension and research
efforts in promoting the improvement of production
and marketing of perennial peanut.
As a member, your name will be listed in the
membership directory which puts you in touch with
needed resources and information. Upon joining,
you will receive an informative Perennial Peanut
Reference Manual. The Association is a non-profit
corporation registered under Florida law, and
membership is open to all perennial peanut
producers or those with interest in the commodity.