Perennial Peanut Links
A separate browser window will open when you click on the following resources.
Biology and Agronomy of Forage Arachis (PDF, 6.5MB) |
Calibration of Herbicide Applicators |
Digestibility Of Nutrients For Perennial Peanut, Alfalfa, Bermuda Grass And Bahia Grass Hays In Equine |
Establishment of Perennial Peanut for Wildlife Food Plots, Pastures and Hayfields (PDF, 906KB) |
Genetic Variability of Cultivated Rhizoma Peanut (PDF, 730KB) |
Horses Go "Nuts" For Perennial Peanut Hay |
MSU Forages: Perennial Peanut (Arachis glabrata) |
Perennial Peanut for Quality Pastures and Hay |
Perennial Peanut Forage Production, LSU 1998 (PDF, 1.3MB) |
Perennial Peanut in the Landscape |
Perennial Peanut is Forage Favorite |
Plant Materials Fact Sheet: Rhizoma Perennial Peanut (Arachis glabrata), The Perennial Peanut for Urban Conservation in Florida (PDF, 328KB) |
Release of Arblick and Ecoturf Perennial Peanut Germplasm (PDF, 137KB) |
Release of Experimental Perennial Peanut Germplasm and Cultivars for the Southern U.S. (PDF, 503KB) |
Release of UF-Tito and UF-Peace as New Perennial Peanut Cultivars for the Southern U.S. (PDF, 50KB) |
Rhizoma Peanut, A New Forage Option for Louisiana (PDF, 160KB) |
Rhizoma Peanut Yield and Nutritive Value are Influenced by Harvest Technique and Timing (PDF, 107KB) |
Strategies to Control Weed Competition in Strips Planted to Rhizoma Peanut in Existing Bahiagrass Pastures (PDF, 1.6MB) |
UF/IFAS EDIS search results for Perennial Peanut |
UF/IFAS Forages of Florida: Perennial Peanut |
UF/IFAS research article: Pastures of Gold Provide Beauty, Forage (PDF, 224KB) |
University of Georgia Extension and Outreach, Forages Budgets |
The following link is to an Excel spreadsheet that can be used to calculate your budgets, costs, and returns.
Perennial Peanut Hay Budget Spreadsheet